Blogging at 2 am...I'm gonna write what's on my mind right now as I'm unable to sleep with all the coffee I had.
One thing I want to get off my mind is how the youth nowadays talks about the "YOLO" life, which is popular on the internet as a meme of sort and it stands for "You Only Live Once', which is a lifestyle which you don't think twice about anything you do, so my question is, are you really living your life without any regrets?
Life is too short to think twice and to get to know the people we desire to have in our lives. My teens years were over before I knew it, which is why I'm saying yes to every opportunity I get in life. We close down a million paths with answer of "no", but if your friend asks you to jump off a building, as much of an adrenaline rush it might give you, there's always limits to stupidity.
Moving on to the yolo life, there is always going to be the ones who take the ultimate joy in judging and peeking behind the curtains. As for my life I've often been accused of having multiple personalities by some of my closest of friends who I've known for over 10 years, I've undergone physical appearance changes which makes people who I've known prior to 2 years to have extreme difficulties in recognizing me, I'm not even sure why I even feel the need to live my life the way I do now, I don't want to see myself the way I did yesterday when I look at myself in the mirror when I wake up in the morning, yet after all it feels just about right to live my life the way I do now, I might lose some friends along the way but it's the price I am willing to pay for the life I want.
I'm being judged by many people, in the end, my biggest fear in life is letting someone else control what I desire in life, and not letting myself living it the way I want. All I see in modern world is youth that desires to live a life that is labelled to be the "good life", you might be rich, poor, fat, skinny, pretty, ugly, tall, short, white or black, after all, in the end, doing what makes you happy is the best possible life you can ever hope to have.